Yeah, the year is almost over. Not sure how that happened, but that means it’s time for the ever-popular awards eligibility list. I had a few stories published this year in some fantastic places, and I’d appreciate you giving them a read to see if they strike a chord with you.
My new, and therefore awards eligible, publications in 2022 include:
“Their Blood Smells of Love and Terror” – The Deadlands
“Sounds Like Forever” – Bourbon Penn
“We Share Our Rage with the River” – Road Kill Vol 7: Texas Horror by Texas Writers
“Face Down Death Volume VIII” – FOUND: An Anthology of Found Footage Horror Stories
I also have a couple of really cool reprints:
“February Moon” – PseudoPod (audio reprint / originally appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies)
“The Beautiful People” – Deck One (reprint / originally appeared in Underland Arcana)
I’m delighted and grateful to have my stories appear in so many great places this year and looking forward to some exciting publications in the next year, including more stories and…a novel.
Stay tuned.